Le Forum Francophone du Priest |
| Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! | |
+28jrh06 FrenchMetallian Son of the Dark Bigben iron31 chevalier du déshonneur DevilDigger Ad Metal Eternam Barock hellion truc Trace la route Trooper Neow patnasty nana13 samcdc balustre Laurent JUDAS The Ripper gibsonboy Zythum Painkiller *-Dave-* Grinder Man Ptitbouchon Maxou Alex Guitargod 32 participants | |
Auteur | Message |
balustre Jack The Knife (The Ripper)
Nombre de messages : 1083 Age : 39 Localisation : Montpellier Date d'inscription : 04/11/2006
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 10:13 | |
| - Trooper a écrit:
Sinon j'attend quelques nouvelles écoutes, mais à chaud ça m'emballe moins que Nostradamus. C'est marrant, le morceau est moins complexe que Nostra, mais finalement, j'ai eu besoin de plus d'écoutes pour le cerner... Au début, j'étais complètement paumée et pas encore forcément emballée... Mais là, je suis fan :ban: :ban: !! Encore une fois, je trouve que Rob "conduit" la chanson, sa mélodie dessus t'ammène dans un autre monde... Mais j'adore aussi la batterie sur c'tte chanson, je lui trouve un coté "groovy et métal" extrèmement sympa. Et puis, le son des grattes et le solo, j'adhère :guitargod: !! Je crois que c'est une version edit pour radio, donc peut-être le "break/solo" sera plus long en vrai... | |
| | | Trooper Jack The Knife (The Ripper)
Nombre de messages : 1140 Age : 39 Localisation : Auxerre Date d'inscription : 21/01/2008
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 10:20 | |
| Après une dizaines d'écoutes:
Les points que j'adore :
La voix de Rob est vraiment géniale, les lignes vocales sont parfaites.
J'adore le rythme général du morceau, la batterie est excellente.
La musicalité générale (arrangements, style de jeu, son des guitares) est plus discrète que sur Nostradamus, mais c'est très agréable et très bien fait. Bon travail des grattes, c'est très fin, très léger.
Les points faibles :
Comme pour Nostradamus, le solo est très très moyen (pour pas dire pire) c'est pas inspiré du tout.
Le refrain et pas mal, mais pour un single, j'attend plus de ce côté là. | |
| | | balustre Jack The Knife (The Ripper)
Nombre de messages : 1083 Age : 39 Localisation : Montpellier Date d'inscription : 04/11/2006
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 10:28 | |
| ^^Bien d'accord avec tes points forts :ban: :Robby: :ban: !! Sinon, pour les faibles : - le solo, il est court, mais je l'adore ! comme je le disais, c'est une version edit, donc on sait jamais... - le refrain : moi, je suis vraiment pas fan du type de refrain trés accrocheur comme maiden sait bien les faire, donc, j'ai eu peur vers le début que ca parte trop dans cette dimension... Mais finalement, ca tourne moins "accrocheur" et je préfère | |
| | | Neow MODO - Neowstradamus
Nombre de messages : 1529 Age : 39 Localisation : Strasbourg Date d'inscription : 23/11/2007
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 11:02 | |
| Bon, première écoute. Définitivement enthousiaste concernant le chant de Rob ! Mais bien moins enthousiaste que pour Nostradamus. Je trouve que la chanson manque un peu de... Disons que c'est pas mauvais mais ça décolle pas vraiment. Un peu comme Wheels of Fire sur Angel of Retribution. Je l'écouterais un peu plus ce soir. Enfin, de toutes façons, si on prend l'exemple de AoR encore, Revolution en est le premier single et c'est la chanson que j'aime le moins sur cet album (pour ne pas dire que je la déteste d'ailleurs...) ! Donc si c'est pareil pour Nostradamus, ça va être une énorme bombe | |
| | | Trooper Jack The Knife (The Ripper)
Nombre de messages : 1140 Age : 39 Localisation : Auxerre Date d'inscription : 21/01/2008
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 12:05 | |
| - balustre a écrit:
- le solo, il est court, mais je l'adore ! comme je le disais, c'est une version edit, donc on sait jamais...
Aimer ce solo c'est un peu comme dire Amen à tout, c'est d'un banal...Je prend ma gratte et j'en compose un en quelques secondes de solo comme celui là. Ca ne se détache absolument en rien des milliers de solos qu'on a déjà entendu..; On parle bien de Downing et Tipton, on ne parle pas des derniers gratteux venus, on parle d'un duo légendaire qui faisait des solos époustouflants dans les années 80. Je ne peux me contenter de ça. | |
| | | balustre Jack The Knife (The Ripper)
Nombre de messages : 1083 Age : 39 Localisation : Montpellier Date d'inscription : 04/11/2006
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 12:13 | |
| - Trooper a écrit:
- balustre a écrit:
- le solo, il est court, mais je l'adore ! comme je le disais, c'est une version edit, donc on sait jamais...
Aimer ce solo c'est un peu comme dire Amen à tout, c'est d'un banal...Je prend ma gratte et j'en compose un en quelques secondes de solo comme celui là. Ca ne se détache absolument en rien des milliers de solos qu'on a déjà entendu..; On parle bien de Downing et Tipton, on ne parle pas des derniers gratteux venus, on parle d'un duo légendaire qui faisait des solos époustouflants dans les années 80. Je ne peux me contenter de ça. Quand je dis que je l'aime beaucoup, c'est pas dans le sens "c'est un des solos les plus remarquables de Glenn"... C'est juste que je trouve qu'il s'intègre trés bien dans la chanson, et a un feeling que j'aime bien. Aprés, en lui même, je vois ce que tu veux dire, il est ni technique, ni particulièrement mélodique, ni original... | |
| | | Trooper Jack The Knife (The Ripper)
Nombre de messages : 1140 Age : 39 Localisation : Auxerre Date d'inscription : 21/01/2008
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 12:29 | |
| A non pas du tout, il est là parce qu'il en faut un....
Comme sur Nostradamus, une branlette de manche sans âme et là un tapping (pas particulièrement génial) de quelques secondes.
Des solos composés à l'arrache pour moi.
Mais sinon les deux morceaux sont très bons, je le répète encore une fois. | |
| | | balustre Jack The Knife (The Ripper)
Nombre de messages : 1083 Age : 39 Localisation : Montpellier Date d'inscription : 04/11/2006
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 12:32 | |
| - Trooper a écrit:
- A non pas du tout, il est là parce qu'il en faut un....
Comme sur Nostradamus, une branlette de manche sans âme et là un tapping (pas particulièrement génial) de quelques secondes. Des solos composés à l'arrache pour moi. Mais sinon les deux morceaux sont très bons, je le répète encore une fois. Bâ, les gouts et les couleurs... En tout cas, contente que tu trouves trés bons les morceaux :Robby: | |
| | | Grinder Man ADMIN - The Metal Angel
Nombre de messages : 20326 Age : 59 Localisation : Le coeur au Nord et mon âme à l'ouest... Date d'inscription : 07/11/2006
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 13:00 | |
| Je viens de me faire une écoute au casque... Verdict, "Visions" va cartonner sur les radios US et il a était écrit pour ça... Je crois que c'est la première fois qu'on à la droit à une version Radio Edit, ce qui laisse présager d'une version "différente" sur l'album... Là on passe au mi-tempo avec encore une fois un Rob tout en nuance, il ne force pas du tout et un refrain très bien écrit (il reste rapidement dans la tête...)... Pour la partie musicale, rien de révolutionnaire mais c'est carré sans débordement, le solo est court mais formaté pour un single, quoi...!! Les arrangements m'ont l'air très bons avec ce son synthétique qu'on arrive pas trop à dicerner...guitares Midi ou synthétiseurs...?? N'oublions pas que le groupe a écrit cet album pour pouvoir le jouer entièrement sur scène... Donc j'opterai plus pour les guitares Midi ou alors ils seront accompagnés par un claviériste sur la tournée Nostradamus... J'aimerai encore une fois insister sur la partie rythmique basse/batterie qui encore une fois, après "Nostradamus", est excellente... Pour une fois que Scott ne se contente pas de marteler sa double grosse caisse, son jeu est ici beaucoup plus aérien, groovie et la basse de Ian claque bien... Conclusion, "Visions" n'est pas un chef-d'oeuvre, mais un morceau "efficace" pour un passage en radio... Il en fallait un... Espérons que ce soit le seul et que sur les 12 qui restent nous retrouvions une très bonne ballade dont ils ont le secret et que les 11 derniers soient ce que tout le monde attend du heavy metal comme seul Judas Priest sait le faire...!!!! | |
| | | Trace la route Jack The Knife (The Ripper)
Nombre de messages : 1183 Age : 43 Localisation : Plaisir (78) Date d'inscription : 05/01/2007
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 16:30 | |
| je viens tout juste de l'ecouter, premiere impression, un peu deçu meme si je suis assez d'accord avec tes propos Olivier, je trouve que le morceau reste tres lineaire, il ne decolle pas, dans l'ensemble, il reste sympa à ecouter, Rob est au top, il n'ay pas a dire, je l'aime bien dans ce registre là!!
Bref, je le reecouterais ce soir mais je ne m'etalerais pas trop sur le sujet, je prefere aussi ecouter la galette entiere que des morceaux par ci par là... En tout cas, je ne me fais pas trop de soucis pour l'album, il sera enorme!!! :Robby: :Robby: | |
| | | Invité Invité
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 20:59 | |
| Morceau moyen, en dessous de Nostradamus (c'est dire...)
Solo indigne du Priest
Seul le refrain me botte vraiment! Très accrocheur, sympatoche... Le point fort du morceau!
Le reste, ben... Mais bon! Faites comme si j'avais rien dit, j'voudrais pas gâcher votre enthousiasme... |
| | | Zythum MODO - I'm a Rockeuse
Nombre de messages : 2794 Age : 56 Localisation : Liège-Belgique Date d'inscription : 05/09/2006
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 21:06 | |
| Deuxième morceau de l’album, et je l’aime bien, m’en fou que ce ne soit pas pas du « bon vieux grand Priest d’y a 25 ans » Il me reste dans les oreilles et pour moi finalement c’est ce qui compte , ne pas être décue et ce n’est pas le cas ouf… Nous somme tous d’accord sur un fait quand même la voix de Rob est impeccable | |
| | | balustre Jack The Knife (The Ripper)
Nombre de messages : 1083 Age : 39 Localisation : Montpellier Date d'inscription : 04/11/2006
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 21:49 | |
| Toute dernière. Je la lis et j'essaierai de faire un résumé en francais... Pour ceux qui comprennent l'anglais, prenez le temps de lire, cette review est excellente, et je sens que l'attente va être dure jusqi'au 16 juin...
(Sony/Epic) Total Time : 105:10 aprox.
Again, like the last time (worldwide 3rd), Metal invader, is proud to present you with a review of JUDAS PRIEST latest opus, almost before anyone else, and trust me - we're not basing this on predictions baby!!! ((Just like we did with the latest Whitesnake and Dio (worldwide 1st’s).)
Priest decided to create their first concept album, based on the life and works of the famous French, Doctor/Seer Michel de Nostredame, better known with the Latinized version of his name as Nostradamus.
“Nostradamus”, is both predictably and unpredictably, what people would expect it to be.
For many that would be a recipe for disaster, but Priest manage to pull off the task, with their dignity intact, and without going to much into Spinal Tap territory, although comparisons are not completely out of the picture...
There are all those trademarks that characterize the sound of priest, along with many, beautiful intros and melodies. There are orchestrations and musical orations that would otherwise sound a bit out of place, but the band has managed to embody them to their sound seamlessly.
The nature of the project - makes it a bit - hard to fathom, as never before have Priest attempted something similar, to such an extent. I mean, previously there have been songs that would describe the story of a character, but would do so - within the context of one song. Now, the same thing happens for the entirety of an album that takes a look into the life and prophesies of Nostradamus.
Still, something that worked so perfectly well, in "Beyond the realms of Death" for instance - here is worn a little thin at times, but the band manages to avoid this being a horrible snooze-fest, quite gracefully . On the other hand - the sheer duration of the album - which is a little shy off 2 hours - makes it a bit long winded and while it’s not tiresome – you’ll need to be able to give it the time it deserves - to reap the aural rewards.
Then one has also got to consider - that there are a lot more prominent keyboards, pianos, acoustic guitars and the like - in many places - that give the material a quite different "accent" - even though the sound remains unmistaken ably - the trademark "Priest" sound.
The easiest way for me to describe the new album, is to call it the natural successor to "Angel of Retribution" from a songwriting point of view, with overall lengthier songs, a more serious tone, daring use of orchestrations that the band hasn't used previously - resulting in a very interesting album with lots of light and shade, drama, melody and emotion, in a way that reflects the life of the man himself, a man who tried to stay alive - in the midst of plague and minor personal tragedies and managed to become a legend for his "prophecies"...
As it happens - most of the song titles are also quite reflective and indicative of the songs mood and pace, and there's a great spectrum of feelings, and moods that are being displayed here, in an almost cinematic/theatrical fashion.
From the beginning and for nearly the next 2 hours the listener is engrossed, in a mesmerizing trip, through the fascinating (?) life of Nostradamus. A matter that quite a few people have taken an interest in, in fact Nikolo Kotzev, the mastermind behind Brazen Abbot, must have been the first to produce a complete opera out of it, in the truest sense of the word, as there are multiple roles, sung by multiple singers on his version. In “Nostradamus”, the Priest album, there's definitely variety, but mostly through Rob's delivery, who still impresses, with its expressional range, although slightly mars things in places, with some rather "over-sung" passages, where he attempts to really go for an operatic-quasi classical, voice, that just sounds a bit eerie .... Then again I suppose - it might add a bit more to the "atmosphere“ of the album, and some choirs.
The way the album is structured, is a bit interesting, it's more like one huge song, with sort of clearly distinguishable parts rather than 23 different pieces of music. I mean - I could not really sit down and listen to a single song - and not help feeling incomplete by the experience. The songs are meant to be taken as a whole series and the interludes/intros, even though sounding like a daft idea on paper, help bring the whole thing to life, in quite an original way. I 'll be even a bit of a "blasphemer" saying that the title track is probably, one of the songs that didn’t quite impress me, in not the notion that it's bad - it's pretty good actually, but it’s just typical, it's one of the most typical songs on offer here - embellished with a few new ideas. Other songs are just far more adventurous!
What really is great about Nostradamus, is the sort of extravagance, but at the same time, the fact that the band manages to avoid, self-parody or tiring the listener. There's a lot of bombast, there are typical parts, instantly recognizable as priest and then there's the operatic/theatric element, all fused quite well together and fashioned into something rather new and quite exciting. It's very important - to listen to the album with a fresh pair of ears...it will be far more endearing, so I will try not to spoil things for you too much....
The album begins with an interesting introduction in an impeccable priest fashion, yet like you've never heard before. “Prophecy” is really great. Generally the atmosphere is mysterious and pompous, and there are a lot of menacing parts, along with more reserved heavier moments, in the sort of darker and more epic moments of the album, The Four Horsemen - "War" being a good example. Sands Of Time - "Pestilence And Plague" that follows is an impressive song (?)with an almost operatic quality. Rob just shines here.... it's rather long winded including the intro, but overall very impressive - very interesting indeed! (Some people might need to take a cold shower during this one - ehm, prepare your selves for a bit of surprise, and no - not a nasty one - not the ripper, or if you like jack the knife....) The album gets even heavier and more atmospheric - atmospheric not in the silly Goth-metal clichéd way, we're talking about really gothic arrangements here, really massive, metallic, and dark almost sinister stuff in places that resonates the bands great passion and show some depth and a real “theatrical” quality.
There's more agony, pain and grandeur in the following few passages and songs such as “Death” for instance or “Persecution”. But light comes out of black, and there are more transitional moments and a bit of balance comes in... "Lost Love" is a quite emotional song... and one of my favorites here. The music follows the man's story and it takes unexpected twists and turns, meta(l)morphosing, through more atmospheric and still more operatic-yet-metallic moments. Shadows In The Flame - "Visions" is another great, interesting moment, and Hope - "New Beginnings" sort of evens things out but at the same time builds up at the same time, for Calm Before The Storm - "Nostradamus" already - a known quantity from the freely available download single, (a smart move I may add) which is a bizarre little tune, starting up in a mellow way, then Rob, does a monologue , before double bass drums - herald a rather muted scream - showing that time and tours have taken their toll on good old Rob, who still manages though to Deliver the "Goods", somehow. From then on - and not withstanding the occasional orchestration or prominent keyboard part or solo, (a rather new element for priests music, to feature keyboards/piano so prominently) it's typical Priest fare, much in the fashion of "Painkiller" and maybe "Hellrider" with the scales tipping towards the latter. But you already know that, didn’t you? Even the awkward chanting of "Nostradamus" does little to mar the song...but hey, as the only promo single, it's has gathered mixed reviews. I m rather favorably inclined towards it, but let me just say, that in the context of the album - it makes FAR MORE sense.
You see - there are no - singles here. The whole album is THE SINGLE. It's more of a love it or hate it situation, and even though it might take a few listens to set in - Nostradamus is pretty good, actually. Not the train wreck many UNBELIEVERS have been waiting or hoping for....The album closes, in a rather bizarre way. Totally Priest and totally Nostradamus...very interesting. Well you wouldn't expect me to spoil the end of a movie ....so I won't, you'll have to wait for it, but with the release date fast approaching, it won't be long now.
Make no mistake - it took the band a considerable amount of time to piece Nostradamus - together, I guess, so there are not really any duds here, and although not an "immediate" easy, head banging album, as the songs are not meant to be taken as separate "stand alone" pieces ..the overall impression is a largely positive one.
Also one thing I need to address is the sound quality. Even if it's still a digital production, the mix on Nostradamus is far better than the one on "Angel" and that's music to my ears. Also, while a lot of people have harshly Judge Wilkinson’s cover artwork, I found it rather fitting, if not a bit, eccentric, but it's not bad. Let's just pray KK won't have to beat a 10 foot Nostradamus off stage ala Janick Gers during the live shows (haha)... I can't wait to see what the 48 page hard bound book will look like.
Personally I was pondering buying the big one - the triple vinyl thing with the CD and book, but felt rather hesitant. You see I was thinking, big time train wreck, spinal tap alert, wink wink nudge nudge.... we're #$#$#$#$#ed ! Having heard the album, (again I extend a most sincere courtesy to ... a friend who wishes to remain anonymous... right ...?) man, what was I thinking ?
It's Priest, the guys helped intent and shape the genre for chrissakes !
It's not easy to judge “Nostradamus” - as it doesn't follow the format of a normal "album" – not being a collection of different, unrelated songs, but it makes for an interesting and quite intense listening experience. Bottom line - it might tire your tits to oblivion, if you're looking for some simple head banging tune or two, but you will absolutely love it, if that sort of operatic-symphonic-bombastic thing is your cup of tea and can appreciate a more adventurous side of Priest. Chances are the latter will happen. I loved the album - I dare not compare it directly with another Priest album - as the songs on it never manage to cause the same amount of excitement - in the course of a single song’s duration - as with the bands previous mega hits, but taken as a whole - Nostradamus is just massive and impressive. Massively impressive!
Rating: *****
Dernière édition par balustre le Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 22:36, édité 2 fois | |
| | | Grinder Man ADMIN - The Metal Angel
Nombre de messages : 20326 Age : 59 Localisation : Le coeur au Nord et mon âme à l'ouest... Date d'inscription : 07/11/2006
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 22:05 | |
| Nostradamus is just massive and impressive. Massively impressive! Si je m'en tiens à ces deux phrases... Cet album va être en retourner plus d'un...!!! | |
| | | balustre Jack The Knife (The Ripper)
Nombre de messages : 1083 Age : 39 Localisation : Montpellier Date d'inscription : 04/11/2006
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Dim 4 Mai 2008 - 22:09 | |
| | |
| | | Neow MODO - Neowstradamus
Nombre de messages : 1529 Age : 39 Localisation : Strasbourg Date d'inscription : 23/11/2007
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Lun 5 Mai 2008 - 6:59 | |
| Toutes les critiques sont bonnes, pour l'instant. C'est pas dur, y'en a que 4 je crois. ^^
Bon ça donne envie là bordel ! :makelovenotwar | |
| | | hellion I'm a Rocker
Nombre de messages : 81 Age : 48 Localisation : Saint Etienne et Lyon Date d'inscription : 11/01/2008
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Lun 5 Mai 2008 - 8:16 | |
| Wow ! tres bon je trouve ! Comme AOR, le priest nous renvoi a toutes le periodes de son histoire avec ce nouvel album on dirait ! J'adore le passage vers la fin "only time..." Bon par contre ca manque un peu de screams quoi... | |
| | | Barock Metallion
Nombre de messages : 2316 Age : 34 Localisation : Reims (51) Date d'inscription : 24/03/2008
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Lun 5 Mai 2008 - 8:30 | |
| Pas mal du tout mais tout de même moins bon que Nostradamus Aprés le solo est excellent :Robby: | |
| | | balustre Jack The Knife (The Ripper)
Nombre de messages : 1083 Age : 39 Localisation : Montpellier Date d'inscription : 04/11/2006
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Lun 5 Mai 2008 - 8:47 | |
| - barock a écrit:
- Pas mal du tout mais tout de même moins bon que Nostradamus
Aprés le solo est excellent :Robby: cool !! j'suis pas la seule à le tripper ce solo !! Et, aprés moultes écoutes, je confirme, Visions est superbe !! | |
| | | Alex Guitargod ADMIN - THE SINNER
Nombre de messages : 13937 Age : 38 Localisation : Liège (Belgique) Date d'inscription : 08/11/2006
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Lun 5 Mai 2008 - 8:51 | |
| Ma troisième écoute et j'aime beaucoup en fait! Ca me parraît vraiment bien par rapport à hier matin, je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais là j'aime beaucoup!
Et je confirme que ce sont des guitar midi! KK en est particulièrement friand et a dis plusieur foi sur son site qu'il en avait utilisé à plusieur reprise sur l'album! | |
| | | Ad Metal Eternam Cheater
Nombre de messages : 134 Age : 48 Localisation : The White Date d'inscription : 22/04/2008
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Lun 5 Mai 2008 - 11:17 | |
| - Mickael a écrit:
- Morceau moyen, en dessous de Nostradamus (c'est dire...)
Solo indigne du Priest
Seul le refrain me botte vraiment! Très accrocheur, sympatoche... Le point fort du morceau! Pareil, sauf pour le refrain que je trouve aussi quelconque que le reste. Je retrouve le Priest souffreteux d' Angel of Retribution, alors que "Nostradamus" entretenait encore une certaine illusion. Sinon, ce titre me fait plus penser à ce que propose Halford en solo qu'au Priest, mais en clairement pas inspiré. Bref, là où "Nostradamus" avait réussi un tant soit peu à me rassurer, toutes mes craintes reviennent à l'écoute de ce titre | |
| | | Invité Invité
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Lun 5 Mai 2008 - 11:44 | |
| - Ad Metal Eternam a écrit:
- Mickael a écrit:
- Morceau moyen, en dessous de Nostradamus (c'est dire...)
Solo indigne du Priest
Seul le refrain me botte vraiment! Très accrocheur, sympatoche... Le point fort du morceau! Pareil, sauf pour le refrain que je trouve aussi quelconque que le reste. Je retrouve le Priest souffreteux d'Angel of Retribution, alors que "Nostradamus" entretenait encore une certaine illusion.
Sinon, ce titre me fait plus penser à ce que propose Halford en solo qu'au Priest, mais en clairement pas inspiré.
Bref, là où "Nostradamus" avait réussi un tant soit peu à me rassurer, toutes mes craintes reviennent à l'écoute de ce titre Tu sais que tu joues avec ta vie là, mon ami? Je partage ton point de vue, mais y'en a qu'apprécient pas qu'on descende le groupe... |
| | | Invité Invité
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Lun 5 Mai 2008 - 12:08 | |
| - Ptitbouchon a écrit:
- Comme ça fait du bien!!!! ça aiguise en effet la curiosité, l'excitation de l'attente et de savoir que des gars qui s'y connaissent un p'tit peu quand même en zik, reconnaissent les ''talents'' vocaux de Rob :kissmyass: (c'est plus fort fort que moi, fallait que j'en foute un !!!!!) me conforte dans mon idée et ma fascination pour ce gars et ces potes!!!
C'est pas parceque des gars qui "s'y connaissent en musique" disent que Rob a encore une putain de voix que c'est vraiment le cas... :kissmyass: :kissmyass: De ce fait, ces reviews ne valent pas grand chose à mes yeux... |
| | | Alex Guitargod ADMIN - THE SINNER
Nombre de messages : 13937 Age : 38 Localisation : Liège (Belgique) Date d'inscription : 08/11/2006
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Lun 5 Mai 2008 - 12:08 | |
| - Mickael a écrit:
- Ad Metal Eternam a écrit:
- Mickael a écrit:
- Morceau moyen, en dessous de Nostradamus (c'est dire...)
Solo indigne du Priest
Seul le refrain me botte vraiment! Très accrocheur, sympatoche... Le point fort du morceau! Pareil, sauf pour le refrain que je trouve aussi quelconque que le reste. Je retrouve le Priest souffreteux d'Angel of Retribution, alors que "Nostradamus" entretenait encore une certaine illusion.
Sinon, ce titre me fait plus penser à ce que propose Halford en solo qu'au Priest, mais en clairement pas inspiré.
Bref, là où "Nostradamus" avait réussi un tant soit peu à me rassurer, toutes mes craintes reviennent à l'écoute de ce titre Tu sais que tu joues avec ta vie là, mon ami? Je partage ton point de vue, mais y'en a qu'apprécient pas qu'on descende le groupe... Non, mais c'est bon, on va encore revenir avec les y'en a etc! On respecte votre point de vue! Rien de vous oblige à aimer, le début se situait sur autre chose de plus fondamental que le j'aime, j'aime pas! Mais sTP qu'on arrête de causer de ça! Vous avez des craintes, c'est bien votre droit, moi le morceau, si je ne le trouve pas transcendant, je le trouve sympa! Et je pense que le solo de Glenn a été édité, on a comme l'impression qu'il a été coupé ou je sais pas quoi! Faudra voir la version complète du morceau et pas le radio édit! | |
| | | Ptitbouchon MODO - She's The Devil's Child
Nombre de messages : 20272 Age : 55 Localisation : Liège Date d'inscription : 20/01/2007
| Sujet: Re: Nostradamus le nouvel album... NEWS ICI !!! Lun 5 Mai 2008 - 13:08 | |
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quote="balustre"]Toute dernière. Je la lis et j'essaierai de faire un résumé en francais... Pour ceux qui comprennent l'anglais, prenez le temps de lire, cette review est excellente, et je sens que l'attente va être dure jusqi'au 16 juin...
(Sony/Epic) Total Time : 105:10 aprox.
Again, like the last time (worldwide 3rd), Metal invader, is proud to present you with a review of JUDAS PRIEST latest opus, almost before anyone else, and trust me - we're not basing this on predictions baby!!! ((Just like we did with the latest Whitesnake and Dio (worldwide 1st’s).)
Priest decided to create their first concept album, based on the life and works of the famous French, Doctor/Seer Michel de Nostredame, better known with the Latinized version of his name as Nostradamus.
“Nostradamus”, is both predictably and unpredictably, what people would expect it to be.
For many that would be a recipe for disaster, but Priest manage to pull off the task, with their dignity intact, and without going to much into Spinal Tap territory, although comparisons are not completely out of the picture...
There are all those trademarks that characterize the sound of priest, along with many, beautiful intros and melodies. There are orchestrations and musical orations that would otherwise sound a bit out of place, but the band has managed to embody them to their sound seamlessly.
The nature of the project - makes it a bit - hard to fathom, as never before have Priest attempted something similar, to such an extent. I mean, previously there have been songs that would describe the story of a character, but would do so - within the context of one song. Now, the same thing happens for the entirety of an album that takes a look into the life and prophesies of Nostradamus.
Still, something that worked so perfectly well, in "Beyond the realms of Death" for instance - here is worn a little thin at times, but the band manages to avoid this being a horrible snooze-fest, quite gracefully . On the other hand - the sheer duration of the album - which is a little shy off 2 hours - makes it a bit long winded and while it’s not tiresome – you’ll need to be able to give it the time it deserves - to reap the aural rewards.
Then one has also got to consider - that there are a lot more prominent keyboards, pianos, acoustic guitars and the like - in many places - that give the material a quite different "accent" - even though the sound remains unmistaken ably - the trademark "Priest" sound.
The easiest way for me to describe the new album, is to call it the natural successor to "Angel of Retribution" from a songwriting point of view, with overall lengthier songs, a more serious tone, daring use of orchestrations that the band hasn't used previously - resulting in a very interesting album with lots of light and shade, drama, melody and emotion, in a way that reflects the life of the man himself, a man who tried to stay alive - in the midst of plague and minor personal tragedies and managed to become a legend for his "prophecies"...
As it happens - most of the song titles are also quite reflective and indicative of the songs mood and pace, and there's a great spectrum of feelings, and moods that are being displayed here, in an almost cinematic/theatrical fashion.
From the beginning and for nearly the next 2 hours the listener is engrossed, in a mesmerizing trip, through the fascinating (?) life of Nostradamus. A matter that quite a few people have taken an interest in, in fact Nikolo Kotzev, the mastermind behind Brazen Abbot, must have been the first to produce a complete opera out of it, in the truest sense of the word, as there are multiple roles, sung by multiple singers on his version. In “Nostradamus”, the Priest album, there's definitely variety, but mostly through Rob's delivery, who still impresses, with its expressional range, although slightly mars things in places, with some rather "over-sung" passages, where he attempts to really go for an operatic-quasi classical, voice, that just sounds a bit eerie .... Then again I suppose - it might add a bit more to the "atmosphere“ of the album, and some choirs.
The way the album is structured, is a bit interesting, it's more like one huge song, with sort of clearly distinguishable parts rather than 23 different pieces of music. I mean - I could not really sit down and listen to a single song - and not help feeling incomplete by the experience. The songs are meant to be taken as a whole series and the interludes/intros, even though sounding like a daft idea on paper, help bring the whole thing to life, in quite an original way. I 'll be even a bit of a "blasphemer" saying that the title track is probably, one of the songs that didn’t quite impress me, in not the notion that it's bad - it's pretty good actually, but it’s just typical, it's one of the most typical songs on offer here - embellished with a few new ideas. Other songs are just far more adventurous!
What really is great about Nostradamus, is the sort of extravagance, but at the same time, the fact that the band manages to avoid, self-parody or tiring the listener. There's a lot of bombast, there are typical parts, instantly recognizable as priest and then there's the operatic/theatric element, all fused quite well together and fashioned into something rather new and quite exciting. It's very important - to listen to the album with a fresh pair of ears...it will be far more endearing, so I will try not to spoil things for you too much....
The album begins with an interesting introduction in an impeccable priest fashion, yet like you've never heard before. “Prophecy” is really great. Generally the atmosphere is mysterious and pompous, and there are a lot of menacing parts, along with more reserved heavier moments, in the sort of darker and more epic moments of the album, The Four Horsemen - "War" being a good example. Sands Of Time - "Pestilence And Plague" that follows is an impressive song (?)with an almost operatic quality. Rob just shines here.... it's rather long winded including the intro, but overall very impressive - very interesting indeed! (Some people might need to take a cold shower during this one - ehm, prepare your selves for a bit of surprise, and no - not a nasty one - not the ripper, or if you like jack the knife....) The album gets even heavier and more atmospheric - atmospheric not in the silly Goth-metal clichéd way, we're talking about really gothic arrangements here, really massive, metallic, and dark almost sinister stuff in places that resonates the bands great passion and show some depth and a real “theatrical” quality.
There's more agony, pain and grandeur in the following few passages and songs such as “Death” for instance or “Persecution”. But light comes out of black, and there are more transitional moments and a bit of balance comes in... "Lost Love" is a quite emotional song... and one of my favorites here. The music follows the man's story and it takes unexpected twists and turns, meta(l)morphosing, through more atmospheric and still more operatic-yet-metallic moments. Shadows In The Flame - "Visions" is another great, interesting moment, and Hope - "New Beginnings" sort of evens things out but at the same time builds up at the same time, for Calm Before The Storm - "Nostradamus" already - a known quantity from the freely available download single, (a smart move I may add) which is a bizarre little tune, starting up in a mellow way, then Rob, does a monologue , before double bass drums - herald a rather muted scream - showing that time and tours have taken their toll on good old Rob, who still manages though to Deliver the "Goods", somehow. From then on - and not withstanding the occasional orchestration or prominent keyboard part or solo, (a rather new element for priests music, to feature keyboards/piano so prominently) it's typical Priest fare, much in the fashion of "Painkiller" and maybe "Hellrider" with the scales tipping towards the latter. But you already know that, didn’t you? Even the awkward chanting of "Nostradamus" does little to mar the song...but hey, as the only promo single, it's has gathered mixed reviews. I m rather favorably inclined towards it, but let me just say, that in the context of the album - it makes FAR MORE sense.
You see - there are no - singles here. The whole album is THE SINGLE. It's more of a love it or hate it situation, and even though it might take a few listens to set in - Nostradamus is pretty good, actually. Not the train wreck many UNBELIEVERS have been waiting or hoping for....The album closes, in a rather bizarre way. Totally Priest and totally Nostradamus...very interesting. Well you wouldn't expect me to spoil the end of a movie ....so I won't, you'll have to wait for it, but with the release date fast approaching, it won't be long now.
Make no mistake - it took the band a considerable amount of time to piece Nostradamus - together, I guess, so there are not really any duds here, and although not an "immediate" easy, head banging album, as the songs are not meant to be taken as separate "stand alone" pieces ..the overall impression is a largely positive one.
Also one thing I need to address is the sound quality. Even if it's still a digital production, the mix on Nostradamus is far better than the one on "Angel" and that's music to my ears. Also, while a lot of people have harshly Judge Wilkinson’s cover artwork, I found it rather fitting, if not a bit, eccentric, but it's not bad. Let's just pray KK won't have to beat a 10 foot Nostradamus off stage ala Janick Gers during the live shows (haha)... I can't wait to see what the 48 page hard bound book will look like.
Personally I was pondering buying the big one - the triple vinyl thing with the CD and book, but felt rather hesitant. You see I was thinking, big time train wreck, spinal tap alert, wink wink nudge nudge.... we're #$#$#$#$#ed ! Having heard the album, (again I extend a most sincere courtesy to ... a friend who wishes to remain anonymous... right ...?) man, what was I thinking ?
It's Priest, the guys helped intent and shape the genre for chrissakes !
It's not easy to judge “Nostradamus” - as it doesn't follow the format of a normal "album" – not being a collection of different, unrelated songs, but it makes for an interesting and quite intense listening experience. Bottom line - it might tire your tits to oblivion, if you're looking for some simple head banging tune or two, but you will absolutely love it, if that sort of operatic-symphonic-bombastic thing is your cup of tea and can appreciate a more adventurous side of Priest. Chances are the latter will happen. I loved the album - I dare not compare it directly with another Priest album - as the songs on it never manage to cause the same amount of excitement - in the course of a single song’s duration - as with the bands previous mega hits, but taken as a whole - Nostradamus is just massive and impressive. Massively impressive!
Rating: *****[/quote]
De mieux en mieux au delà de ce qu'il peut nous faire baver d'impatience avec les morceaux cités et les impressions.... j'aime particulièrement les derniers mots comme Bottom line - it might tire your tits to oblivion, if you're looking for some simple head banging tune or two, but you will absolutely love it, if that sort of operatic-symphonic-bombastic thing is your cup of tea and can appreciate a more adventurous side of Priest..... | |
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